Dr Tina Boville
Aralez Bio
Prof Greg Challis
University of Warwick
Prof David Craik
The University of Queensland
Prof Phil Dawson
Scripps Research
Prof Jesko Köhnke
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Prof Richard Lewis
The University of Queensland
A/Prof Betsy Parkinson
Purdue University
Prof Tara Pukala
University of Adelaide
Prof Monika Raj
Emory University
Prof Peter Verhaert
Prof Irina Vetter
The University of Queensland
Prof Miguel Castanho
Lisbon University
Dr Tom Durek
The University of Queensland
Dr Alisa Glukhova
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
Dr Shaodong Guo
University of Sunshine Coast
Prof Akhter Hossain
The Florey
Prof Richard Payne
University of Sydney
A/Prof Johan Rosengren
The University of Queensland
A/Prof Helena Safavi
University of Utah
A/Prof Nicola Smith
University of New South Wales